Good Tunes
Picked up a couple of new CDs today ... Lifesong by Casting Crowns and Grace Like Rain by Todd Agnew. I actually intended to purchase Todd Agnew's new CD, Reflection of Something, but they were out of stock. Looking forward to the Todd Agnew show in Hot Springs April 22nd. Lastly, I picked up a copy of C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. I'm almost finished with The Screwtape Letters now.
Head on over to iTunes Music Store. They've got Todd Agnew's new CD there. Plus, they're never out of stock!
Chad Gardner, at 7:16 PM
But I don't have an evil iPod. And since Apple is so exclusive with their marketing, you can't actually PLAY any songs you buy with iTunes in another player without burning them to a CD and then ripping them back off again to remove the DRM. Ugh... no thanks. Might as well skip a step and buy it already on a CD.
PiperMatt, at 7:19 PM
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